lauantai 15. lokakuuta 2016

Robel & LED-lighting

New on the layout

Viessmann 2611 "Robel"
Viessmann 2611 "Robel" work car has been bought and added to the collection! This will be modified to resemble the Tka 4 maintenance locomotive found in the real metro system. More information, pictures and possibly even a video will follow after the modifications are ready!


Flamewood Island with LED lighting
I installed a NorthLight IR-controllable LED-system lighting to Heart Cape and Flamewood Island underground stations. This system consists of 30cm LED strips that can be attached to each other for a maximum of eight pieces.

Both stations now have 90cm worth of strips providing nice interior lighting. I have covered the strips with plastic material to better resemble a real roof light found in large indoor areas. The lighting is controllable with an IR transmitter and can show various different colors. Naturally, I'll usually just use white but some of the other ones can be usable too.


Modification work has started on two bus models, which are being modified to Finnish 'Veolia Transport / Transdev' colors from German prototypes. The other one will have an older blue/yellow color scheme while the other one will be of the newer gray/white/red -style. Pictures will follow when finished!


New decals have now finally been ordered so soon I will be able to welcome my second finished train on the layout, the M300 number '309'. The following and currently the last M300, which is still under conversion to digital AC-operation, will be '315' after which I'll start concentrating on bringing the other train types M100 & M200 to the collection also.


New on the website

- Information on the track maintenance equipment and plans related to them
- New information added to the Trains-page