tiistai 28. marraskuuta 2017

M100 & 200 Digitalisation Complete

All four new trains arrived from the conversion safe and sound, and they now have ESU LokSound v4.0 decoders inside of them as well as a pickup shoe and other necessities for 3-rail conversion. All have been programmed into my CS2 and they run just fine.

Everything neatly back in storage again
I opted not to include headlights or interior lights at this point because of the huge costs and difficulty of installing them. the decoder however has the fittings for these installations so they are still possible to do in the future if needed. I wanted to have sound decoders since all of the other rolling stock has them too and such the trains have now been also fitted with a little speaker and some sounds. Currently the operating sounds and door sounds are still generic and the announcement sounds are missing. I am looking into a possibility of recording some true-to-life sounds and adding them to the decoder some day.

Now they just need to have some decals applied and after that my new trains are finished :)